Mar 02, 13 · Hi all I got my Ian Golds DB1 stand a few days ago, and ordered the 7ft one as it seemed this was the most common size iv seen others mention on other threads When I ordered the 7ft one, I thought that this was when the legs are fully extended, but IThe DB1 Gold delivers the exact sound intended by the recording artist, capturing every subtle detail and nuance of the music The compact cabinet features a textured black front baffle with a smooth silk main body, delivering an impressive amount of power that defies the monitor's sizeJul 19, 08 · 0448 0448 PLAY SOUND This is the third time the DB1 (Dinky Box One) has been reviewed by us We covered the original version back in 03, when a pair cost £550 Eighteen months later, we

Cedia 15 Cedia 15 Pmc Speakers Shows Off Its Db1 Gold Classic Model And Wafer Series Speakers Youtube